"How can I truly help?"
This question has never been more pressing for all of us than it is right now. With so much at stake for our planet and its most vulnerable inhabitants, recent events have only increased the sense of urgency. Many now fear that hard-won gains for oppressed groups of people, animals, and the environment may be slipping away before our eyes. It's enough to shake the confidence of even the most optimistic among us, and to push those already feeling depressed toward despair.
Our work has always been motivated by the idea that "one person's change of heart can change the world." If we did not believe transformation at an individual level can lead to evolution at a societal level, we would have quit long ago.
In that spirit, today we make an offering of hope to our community: three new integrated tools that anyone can use to help initiate and sustain positive change. One person at a time, one opened heart at a time. Overcoming barriers of geography, language, and culture. Transcending what separates us in space and time to activate what connects us in heart and spirit: Our core decency, our humanity, our desire to live up to our truest potential.
The first is the long-awaited internet release of our film Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home, now available for free online viewing in five languages: English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. Of all the projects we have ever been involved with, it has produced the highest rate of audience-reported paradigm shifts. Making this film available to all is the fulfillment of a longstanding dream. We hope you will share it widely!
Our goal is for the context of viewing our films online to match the dignity and sincerity of their messages, which has been a key factor in the success of our in-person screenings. Maintaining an atmosphere of respect allows viewers to open up in a deeper way to the transformational power of the story being shared.
With that in mind, we created Global Tribal Cinema, which is our second offering today -- a new multi-lingual, commercial-free viewing and learning platform that brings all of Tribe of Heart's projects together in one synergistic hub of life-changing possibility. Now, people can watch Tribe of Heart's feature films and companion videos free from the extraneous noise, distractions, advertising, and interruptions that are common on other viewing platforms. With Global Tribal Cinema, we have done our best to offer the same high quality viewing experience as in-person screenings, with the further advantage of giving online viewers immediate access to resources for continuing the journey started by watching our films, along with opportunities to engage and find inspiration for pursuing a new path based on nonviolence and justice for all.
Finally, today we are introducing "Holistic Nonviolence," a new approach to justice advocacy we are developing based on our two decades of experience as activists and educators. Walking the path of holistic nonviolence is about questioning ALL forms of oppression and violence, seeking to better understand their common roots, and choosing alternatives. It is about being unwilling -- directly or indirectly -- to take part in violence, to profit from the harm of others, or to willfully ignore oppression. It is about refusing to intentionally take away the dignity, bodily integrity, freedom, or the life of another individual, no matter how they may differ from ourselves, be they a fellow human or a fellow animal.
Together, these three tools are the culmination of years of work in service of a single goal: To create an integrated system for awakening conscience and propelling social change that is accessible to all, one that can empower any motivated person, in any culture, to achieve new understanding and take inspired action guided by altruism, compassion and love of justice.
As the declining state of our world weighs more and more heavily upon us, it's important to remember that in other eras, overwhelming injustices have inspired vast numbers of people to put their deepest values into action, and to join together in great social movements that have changed the course of history. Working side by side, these courageous citizens of every conceivable background made real contributions to the evolution of those aspects of human society we now value most.
We here at Tribe of Heart believe that the multi-faceted global crisis now asks no less from each of us. The opportunity before all of us, and indeed, our moral obligation, is to reconsider our conceptions of justice, to re-examine our participation in or indifference to the systematic harm of others, and to directly challenge the legitimacy of all forms of socially sanctioned oppression and violence. The time has come for those of us who have the ability to make choices about how we live to take strong and definitive action on behalf of those whose choices have been taken away.
As you explore all these new resources, keep in mind that everything we are sharing today has been created through the power of altruism and community, fueled by the efforts of an international team of people guided by common principles, people who share a deep passion for the work and a sense of urgency in carrying it out.
When we find the intersection of what we care about most, what we are good at, and what is most needed by those enduring the greatest oppression, we find our true purpose. We become capable of moving mountains. This is the hope of the world.
In gratitude,
James LaVeck & Jenny Stein
We owe a special debt of gratitude to Sarina Farb, who coordinated our team of volunteer translators and oversaw with great care many crucial technical and logistical aspects connected with the public release of Global Tribal Cinema. We also would like to acknowledge the following individuals, whose efforts were instrumental to many phases of this project over the last several years of its development: Eric Huang, Trevor DeSane, Italia Millán, Nicolas Serres Couisiné, Bianca Dantas, Jaclyn & Pierre Gidel, William Gonzalez, Camila Hardt, Adriana Cristina Hernández, Simone de Lima, Georgina Madison, Roz Ostler, Louise Tezza, Rosana Tsibanaz, Veronica Cartin Ulloa, Kerstin & Stephan Voigt, and Thomas Winger.