Delectable Planet It couldn‘t be easier to prepare nutritious, animal-free dishes with the video recipes provided on this site, along with printable instructions and food preparation tips....more
Vegan on a budget It is a common myth that eating a vegan diet is expensive in nature, and this great guide busts that myth, and provides easy tips and tricks for planning, shopping, cooking, and eating vegan affordably. ...more
Smith's Vegan Kitchen This friendly, down to earth and visually delightful blog offers a large number of easy to make recipes for a wide variety of food that is tasty, healthy, and free of animal products. It‘s a great resource for those new to vegan cooking as well as those looking to expand their culinary horizons....more
Happy Cow Compassionate Eating Guide When traveling, it doesn‘t have to be a challenge to find healthy, animal-free foods. No matter where you are in the world, HappyCow.net will help guide you to restaurants and health food stores that provide animal-friendly fare....more
Becoming Vegan A thoroughly researched and easy to read guide to adopting a healthy animal-free diet that provides the latest nutritional information on everything from B12, Vitamin D, and calcium to vegan pregnancy, disease prevention, and achieving peak performance as an athlete. An excellent resource for both new and experienced vegans....more