This thought-provoking video, produced by a small grassroots animal sanctuary called Peaceful Prairie, asks its viewers to consider the tragic reality behind such products as "free range" and "cage-free" eggs, which are being marketed by the animal-using industry and even some animal advocacy organizations as being good for the animals and good for the environment.
A Rare Glimpse Inside a 'Free Range' Egg Facility
by Jewel Johnson
The Prairie Progress
Summer, 2007
Their beaks were chopped off at the end. Their necks were featherless. Their combs were pale skin color untouched by the sun. Their toes were able to curl into the grate accommodating their overgrown toe nails. These birds only had the grate they were standing on and the metal walls surrounding them until they died.
Looking past the hens at the gate I saw endless chaos. The sound of screaming birds was never ending, and the building was so long I couldn't see anywhere near to the end. There was no straw, and there was no wood to perch on. There was nothing natural in that building other than death and suffering. There were no windows to see a world other than this.
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The Free Range Myth
Sadly the public is led to believe that "Cage-Free" hens live a happy, natural life. This is simply not so!
"Cage-Free"/"Free-Range" hens come from the same hatcheries that battery hens come from, all of their male brothers are killed by suffocation or being ground up alive, the girls themselves endure the same bodily manipulations and mutilations, and they ALL ultimately end up at the same slaughterhouses when their "production" declines.
I am often asked "Don't you think it is still better that people buy 'Cage-Free' eggs rather than battery produced eggs if they are going to buy eggs anyway?" I feel the person actually wants to believe that their consumer dollar is not paying for someone else to commit animal abuse, when in fact it is—no matter what production means were used.
It is like asking if I think strangulation is better than suffocation. My answer is: Neither is an acceptable option. There is simply NO way to humanely produce eggs for human consumption.
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