Peaceable Journey

  LEARN:   Animals   Food   Humane Farming?   Environment   Conscience
SHARE:  Family & Friends    Screenings    Classrooms
SUPPORT:   Overview    Films & Programs    New Languages    Teachers    Culture-Builders

A guide to next steps
for viewers of
Tribe of Heart films

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About Peaceable Journey

From the very first screenings of our documentary, Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home, audience members were keen to learn more about the issues explored in the film. They asked us to guide them to resources that would allow them to further explore their own unfolding journey toward a more just, compassionate and sustainable way of life. In response to this need, we have created the Peaceable Journey online guide.

We offer the information and resources in this guide to foster the spirit of discovery, and critical thinking. Our goal is not to put forth final answers, but rather, to encourage thoughtful dialogue. We believe that each person is on a unique journey, and though we are happy to share what we are learning ourselves and how we are trying to live, we make no pretense of telling other people what to think or how to be in the world. These are questions of conscience that each of us must grapple with and answer for ourselves. That said, we do present ideas and factual information that in many ways challenge widespread practices and commonly-held beliefs, with the hope that others might become inspired, as we have, to re-examine their relationship to other animals and the natural world.

We have taken great care with the choice of organizations and resources referenced in this guide. In doing so, we have given priority to smaller organizations whose work is of national or international relevance and whose vision, uniqueness and integrity has influenced our own journey, as well as resources that we feel viewers of our films will find especially useful or motivating. We have done this because we believe some of the best work, done for the most altruistic reasons, goes largely unrecognized in today’s over-commercialized world, and in our own way, we hope to help change this. We also believe that involvement with smaller organizations potentially offers a better sense of what work is actually being done and why, as well as the opportunity to have a more meaningful and personal connection to the organization and the people doing the work. We also encourage involvement in organizations that have a local or regional focus. Thinking globally while acting locally is still one of the most powerful ways to make a difference. Please bear in mind that Peaceable Journey is not intended to be an exhaustive directory, and that there are many excellent resources and organizations not listed in this guide.

We welcome your feedback on any aspect of the Peaceable Journey guide, as well as your suggestions about how we can improve it. Our filmmaking, and our work as educators, is community-based, and inherently collaborative. Please join us!

James LaVeck and Jenny Stein
Producer and Director of Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home
Co-founders of Tribe of Heart
Peaceable Journey site hosts

Copyright © 2016 Tribe of Heart Ltd.


We owe a special debt of gratitude to the subjects of Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home, human and nonhuman alike, who have inspired us in ways too numerous to list. We would also like to thank all the organizations, authors, artists, researchers, community educators and justice advocates whose work has given this site its spirit and its substance.

Special recognition is due to our creative collaborator, Eric Huang, whose hard work and inventive contributions to the design, programming and content of the site have been invaluable, and so appreciated.

We also owe a huge debt of gratitude to our entire creative and editorial team, which includes Kevin Smith, Pam Page, Kate Sharadin, Monica Towle, Leslie Armstrong, and Susan Clay. Their artistry, insight, integrity, love of justice, and commitment to excellence are what give us the strength to overcome every obstacle and carry forward with this crucial and rewarding work.

We are humbled and honored to have the support of a special group of faithful donors, large and small, whose financial assistance has made everything we do possible. Their heartfelt support of our efforts, through the good times and the bad, has reflected their phenomenal commitment to peaceful transformation, and has quite literally kept our small operation afloat. Their belief in our work has also been a great source of moral support.

And finally, we would like to thank all the people who have taken the time to watch our films. Your words of encouragement and support mean more to us than we can ever express. You have taught us to believe in the power of the human conscience to transform the world. A better future for us all is possible, and we can create it by working together!