Educators and activists in 21 countries and 41 US states order 1200 copies of the film in the first ten days of release...

Watch this 12 second video of us assembling our first shipment of orders - is yours in there?
Dear Friends,
Over the last few days, as we've packaged the first batch of DVDs to be shipped off to educators and activists around the world, we've been feeling a deep sense of gratitude. A long and challenging journey has finally come to an end. Yet, in the very same moment, a new journey has begun. And this new adventure is one that we will be sharing with our partners in this work, all those whose heartfelt efforts to foster individual transformation and social justice will be empowered by this film.
Below is a small sampling of the many inspiring messages sent to us by people who ordered some of the first copies of the DVD. Their voices sum up better than anything we can say, why this sometimes difficult work is also a labor of love.
Warm wishes,
James, Jenny, Eric, Kevin, Trevor,
and the entire Tribe of Heart team
My mother and I saw Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home at the Berkshire International Film Festival. We have been looking forward to sharing this great film with others. What makes your films particularly powerful, I believe, is that you focus on individuals - human and animal - in ways that awaken empathy and raise awareness regarding the connections among living beings. Congratulations and thanks to you for the release of this film, which will change the world for the better.
My partner and I saw Peaceable Kingdom at the Sausalito Film Festival... It moved us like nothing else and I've been waiting since then for it to come on DVD to share with friends and family. So excited it finally happened!!!
I've been awaiting this release since you began working on it... Your films are exceptionally good for introducing students to animal ethics issues, for they do not make anyone feel defensive or attacked; they are gentle in their reliance on personal stories of transformation. They have enriched my classes for many years, more than almost any other resource (text or film!) that I use. Thank you.
My wife and I saw Peaceable Kingdom at the Talking Pictures Festival in Evanston, IL, and we have been anxiously awaiting the release of the film on DVD... It was such a powerful film and we have been telling our friends about it for two years and how much it moved us. We can't wait to share the film with friends and we really look forward to the conversations that will inevitably follow. Food, animals, the environment, non-violence, love, peace. These are things that are important to us, and I hope you all continue to make films that support these causes. THANK YOU!
I saw the film at the Berkshire film festival and have been a vegetarian ever since. It was a life altering film. I am so happy I will have the opportunity to own it so that I can share it with others.
I saw the PK premiere screening in Cleveland... I value Tribe Of Heart films because they promote kindness, compassion, and mercy rather than exploitation, violence, and domination. The films present these values with emotionally honesty and creative arrangement. These two simple ingredients make it easy to care about every individual the film introduces us to -- both human and non human; we can connect because we share the innate urge to also be emotionally honest and have lives of creative arrangement. The trouble is, most of us just don't know how to bring this out/about on our own. We get lost in the out-of-focus gray zone of our culture; the numbing area that lies between right and wrong. Thank you for showing us the way out..., and for pointing the way back home, as Farmer (Harold) Brown said.
I saw the film in Chicago at the Peace Film Festival. It blew me away! AMAZING work!!
I am so excited to be screening this movie next month at our local cafe!!!! THRILLLLLLED!!! YAY!
I am excited beyond words to see this film and show it to everyone I know (and don't know). |

Australian Premiere
Thursday, August 2 at 6pm
Classic Cinema Elsternwick
9 Gordon St, Elsternwick
More Details
Featuring Special Guests:
Patty Mark of Animal Liberation Victoria, visionary nonviolent activist and pioneer of the Open Rescue Movement, whose investigative footage is included in Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home. Read Patty's statement on
Philip Wollen, educator, justice advocate and philanthropist whose impassioned call for justice for animals has gone viral online. His speech can be found here, on our Peaceable Journey online guide.
DVD Now Shipping!

DVD includes 78-minute film plus 90 minutes of bonus material. All content is available with subtitles in English (SDH), Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
Watch the trailer
Individual DVDs
$20 each
Peaceable Kingdom:
The Journey Home
Special Offer
Get both Tribe of Heart DVDs for $25
Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home and The Witness.
10-pack of DVDs: $100 (half price)

For gift giving and sharing the film with people and groups in your community.
Thinking of holding a screening?
We are thrilled that so many of you have already contacted us with plans to hold a screening of the new film in your community. This is the beginning of something very exciting!
We have extensive resources to help you organize and plan your events, which you can access here. Don't forget that advance registration is required for screenings held in venues that seat 40 or more. Learn more about our screening guidelines here.

Coming Soon!
Major update about The Witness and our Global Tribal initiative.
Please help us publicize this update
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