Preparing for lift off!
Dear friends, old and new,
We have just emerged from an extended period of creative focus, during which time we completed Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home and advanced many other projects. We are delighted to finally be re-connecting with all of you!
To the community that has been following our work all these years, thank you for your patience and support during this long, creative period. We could not have gotten to the finish line without you.
To all of you who are new to the Tribe of Heart community, having signed up for information about Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home somewhere along the way, welcome! We are happy to be bringing you the first of what will be many updates over the next few months.
Yes, it’s true, the film is finally complete. In the last few months, it has undergone a rigorous process of audience testing and refinement. Never before have we received such thoughtful and positive feedback from early test viewers. We’ve included some of their comments in this update, and once you read them, we think you’ll understand why we believe that the potential of this film, both artistically and educationally, is beyond that of any work we have created over the last ten years.
We have already begun to receive enthusiastic responses from film festivals, and starting this Fall, Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home will embark on its official festival run. These screenings will represent the first opportunities for the public to see the film. We will be announcing more specific details about festivals and other special events in the coming weeks.
After the film has built momentum on the festival circuit, we’ll have the track record, endorsements, media coverage and well-developed public profile needed for a successful DVD release in late 2009 or early 2010. By that time, we also will have in place a comprehensive array of educational tools and online resources that will together create a truly integrated system for education and social change.
Tribe of Heart is now poised to make a larger difference, for a larger number of individuals, in a wider range of cultures, than ever before. As we move into what we anticipate will be a remarkably fruitful period, we are going to be reaching out to you for help and participation in many different ways.
Presently, we have an urgent need for funding. The creative work of the last two years has exhausted our financial resources, and we need to recapitalize in order to realize the tremendous potential of the opportunity before us. Your donations will help us put into place the events, technologies, and the team members that will bring our new programs to life. We humbly ask for your support.
All truly great acts of social transformation are made possible not by individuals, but by communities of people taking inspired action on behalf of those most in need. These turbulent and troubled times multiply our challenges, but also offer us each the chance to make a greater difference than ever before.
Please join us on this adventure of the spirit!
Warm wishes,
James LaVeck and Jenny Stein
Co-founders of Tribe of Heart

“Unwearied ceaseless effort is the price that must be paid for turning faith into a rich infallible experience.”