Saturday, Sept. 26th at 7 PM
World Premiere Screening
Peaceable Kingdom:
The Journey Home

Premiere screening followed by Q&A with
filmmakers Jenny Stein and James LaVeck
and film subject Harold Brown

Director Jenny Stein (with Habibi)
Dairy Center for the Arts
Performance Space Theater
2590 Walnut Street, Boulder
entrance on 26th St., between Canyon & Walnut
Admission: $10 + $1.75 processing fee
Get Tickets Now!
Note: All tickets are generic and can be used for any film screening at the festival. To help us estimate the number of people who will be attending, please email us an RSVP telling us how many tickets you have purchased and whether you are intending to use them for the Saturday or Sunday event (or both).
Sunday, Sept. 27th, 4-6 PM
Screening & Presentation
followed by Reception
All the Difference in the World:
A Journey of Conscience

Sneak peek screening of a short film-in-progress by Tribe of Heart about an inspiring rescue that helped thousands of animals in need (companion piece to Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home)
Producer James LaVeck |
Film subject Harold Brown
Presentation on "Being the Change" by documentary film producer James LaVeck and former farmer Harold Brown
Reception to Follow
Fiske Planetarium
University of Colorado
Regent Drive, Boulder
Admission: $15 + $1.75 processing fee
Get Tickets Now!
Note: All tickets are generic and can be used for any film screening at the festival. To help us estimate the number of people who will be attending, please email us an RSVP telling us how many tickets you have purchased and whether you are intending to use them for the Saturday or Sunday event (or both).
About the film...
Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home
Director: Jenny Stein
Producer: James LaVeck
Associate Producers: Eric Huang, Kevin Smith
Featuring: Harold Brown, Howard Lyman,
Willow Jeane Lyman, Cayce Mell, Jason Tracy,
Cheri Ezell-Vandersluis and Jim Vandersluis
Musical score: Kevin Bartlett, Joy Askew
PEACEABLE KINGDOM: THE JOURNEY HOME is a new documentary by the award-winning filmmakers of The Witness. A riveting story of transformation and healing, this groundbreaking film explores the awakening conscience of several people who grew up in traditional farming culture and who have now come to question the basic premises of their inherited way of life.
Presented through a woven tapestry of memories, music, and breathtaking accounts of life-altering moments, the film provides insight into the farmers' sometimes amazing connections with the animals under their care, while also making clear the complex web of social, psychological and economic forces that have led them to their dilemma.
Interwoven with the farmers' stories is the dramatic animal rescue work of a newly-trained humane police officer whose sense of justice puts her at odds with the law she is charged to uphold.
With strikingly honest interviews and rare footage demonstrating the emotional lives and intense family bonds of animals most often viewed as living commodities, PEACEABLE KINGDOM: THE JOURNEY HOME shatters stereotypical notions of farmers, farm life, and perhaps most surprisingly, farm animals themselves.

Learn more!
Visit the film's official web site
Watch the online trailer
"I felt 'whole' after watching the film. It makes connections that I don't encounter in everyday life. It made me feel larger than myself, like I am a part of something bigger."
written comment from student at test screening
As a small organization with a big vision, we depend on the power of our community to make our programs come to life. Thank you for the many ways you help Tribe of Heart encourage positive, peaceful transformation.

Donations can be made online or mailed to:
Tribe of Heart, PO Box 149, Ithaca, NY 14851 |
You can help!
Please help us publicize this premiere and other upcoming screenings of Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home by adding a widget like the one pictured on the right to your web site or social networking page(s). Choose from widget options here. All widgets will automatically update with the latest news and events. It's never been easier to help us get the word out!
Also, please share this evite with your friends! |
About the presentation...
How might our lives change if we listened more closely to the quiet inner voice that we call our conscience? And what sort of world might come into existence if more of us made that choice?
The day after the premiere of Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home at the Moondance Film Festival, the documentary's producer James LaVeck will join with film subject and former farmer Harold Brown to offer a presentation on the humbling and inspiring experience of attempting to align one's life with one's values.
Their presentation will include a short film-in-progress titled All the Difference in the World: A Journey of Conscience.
Documenting one of the largest animal rescues ever carried out in the United States, this film affirms the importance of taking action on an individual level, even when the scale of the problem being addressed is beyond comprehension.
This event includes a catered reception after the film and presentation. Come meet our creative team!
About the festival...
The Moondance International Film Festival's mission is "to entertain, inform, inspire, encourage and educate."
Festival director Elizabeth English says, "We honor those artists who, through their creative work, actively increase awareness, provide multiple viewpoints, address complex social issues, and strengthen ties between international audiences."
From the Moondance web site:
The Moondance International Film Festival is one of the premier venues for the exhibition and promotion of independent feature and short films in the US, and one of the leading indie film festivals in the world. Dedicated to celebrating and sharing with international audiences the absolute best in the world of films and screenplays, film scores, and some 25 other genres, the festival features special presentations, retrospectives, workshops, pitch panels, a gala awards reception and ceremony, and many of the world's top indie film screenings. Learn more
